Herbal Herbs

Herbal Herbs - Dogwood

Herbal Herbs
Definition: Herbal Herbs are natural plant substances used to treat and prevent illness and aid the healing process -
Herbal Remedies. In spiritual or medicinal use any of the parts of natural plants might be considered "herbs", including the leaves, roots, flowers, seeds, seed pots, resin, berries, root bark, inner bark and cambium (the green growth layer just next to the bark) or other parts of the plant.

Herbal Herbs and Native American Healing & Cleansing
Native Americans believe that natural Herbal Herbs are affect the spirit or soul of the person. Spiritual Healing, which includes the use of natural herbal herbs, is undertaken by the Shaman or Medicine Man of the tribes and is  based on the healing practices and beliefs of Native American Indians. This type of healing combines elements of spirituality, ceremonies and rituals using natural Medicinal Herbal Herbs for healing and cleansing.

Sacred Herbal Herbs - Rituals, Spiritual Cleansing and Smudging
Natural Herbal Herbs have long been used as the basis of traditional Native American herbal medicine and spiritual healing, with its usage dating back to the ancient cultures of North America. Natural Herbal Herbs strongly feature in the ceremonies and rituals of Native Americans and used for their hallucinogenic and narcotic properties to induce
Trance States, spiritual experiences and Spiritual Journeys for rites of passage rituals, such as Vision Quests. Many of the Medicine Men or Shamans used natural herbal herbs such as sweetgrass, white sage and cedar for spiritual cleansing, healing and for Smudging Rituals.

The Medicine Man and the Herbal Herbs
The Medicine Man, or Shaman, became an expert in his knowledge of Herbal Herbs and how they should be used during spiritual experiences and the healing process. Over 2000 medicinal plants were used as natural herbal herbs by the Native Americans in all the different tribes across North America. The Shaman spent his whole life identifying and collecting such plants and herbal herbs. His knowledge of plant life and natural herbal herbs extended to the medicinal properties of trees, ferns, flowers, nuts, vines, grasses, shrubs and forbs (a broad-leaved herb other than a grass, found growing in prairies, fields and meadows.

Preparing Herbal Herbs
Medicinal Herbal herbs are prepared in several different ways as each of the herbal herbs release its healing powers in distinct forms. Methods in the preparation of Herbal Herbs included making infusions (hot teas), decoctions (boiled teas), tinctures (using alcohol and water extracts), macerations (cold soaking) in order to make powders, ointments,  poultices, and salves. The Medicine Man, or Shaman, required the knowledge and skills to use Herbal Herbs as remedies for the vast variety of ailments treated by modern doctors. For additional information refer to the Preparation and Application of Herbal Medicinal Plants.

Medicinal Herbal Remedies and Treatments
The Medicine Man needed to know the properties of Herbal Herbs, how they should be prepared and the quantities that were safe to administer. Some of the herbal herbs used were toxic or poisonous but were not dangerous if the correct quantities were taken. Herbal Herbs could be used in many ways, using different parts of the plant including the leaves, flowers, juice, bark and roots to make powders, poultices, essential oils, ointments, tinctures, salves and teas.

  • American Cranberrybush Crampbark: Viburnum trilobum
    Antispasmodic, nervine, tonic, astringent, diuretic
    Relieves cramps and spasms, high blood pressure, heart conditions, colds, fever, flu, eczema and skin conditions
  • American Elder: Sambucus canadensis
    Various, according to plant part used
    Headache, coughs, colds, influenza
    Root, inner bark, leaf buds, berries, leaves, flowers
  • American Linden: Tilia americana
    Diaphoretic, stomachic. Bark: emollient. Colds, flu, coughs, fever, headaches, indigestion
    Flowers and leaves, inner bark
  • Arnica: Arnica montana
    Diaphoretic, diuretic, emollient, expectorant, stimulant
    Backache, wounds, bruises, arthritis, and irritations
    Flowers, roots
  • Bayberry: Myrica cerifera
    Stimulant, astringent, emetic, antispasmodic, tonic
    Stomach disorders, Colds, flu, Poultices
    Bark, leaves, flowers
  • Bearberry: Arctostaphylos: uva-ursi
    Diuretic, astringent, tonic.
    Kidney and bladder infections, kidney stones, diabetes
  • Black Cherry: Prunus serotina
    Astringent, sedative, digestive, expectorant. Colds, flu, coughs, fever, headaches, indigestion
    Dried inner bark
  • Black snake root aka Cohosh: Macrotys Cimicifuga racemosa
    Astringent, diuretic, expectorant, anti-rheumatic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory. Inflammations, rheumatism, 'female ailments'
  • Bloodroot: Sanguinaria canadensis
    Expectorant,stimulant, diuretic, sedative, antibacterial
    Rheumatism, Sore Throat, Respiratory Infections
  • Boneset: Eupatorium perfoliatum
    Laxative, antispasmodic, expectorant, Rheumatism, Colds, flu, coughs, fever, headaches
    Leaves and flowering tops
  • Bugleweed: Lycopus virginicus
    Sedative, astringent, mild narcotic, tonic, Heart diseases, chronic lung ailments, coughs, diabetes.
    Whole plant
  • Burdock: Arctium minus
    Diaphoretic, diuretic, tonic, Skin blood and bladder disorders
    Whole plant
  • Butternut: Juglans cinerea
    Various, according to plant part used. Digestive and skin disorders
    Inner bark, nuts, nut oil, and leaves
  • Catnip: Nepeta cataria
    Antispasmodic, aromatic, carminative, tonic. Colds, flu, coughs, fever, headaches, pain
  • Comfrey: Symphytum officinale
    Astringent, emollient, expectorant, tonic. Asthma, coughs, flu, ulcers, varicose veins, pain, and burns. Stomach, kidneys, bowels, and lungs.
    Leaves and root
  • Purple Coneflower: Echinacea pupurea
    Antibacterial, antiviral, analgesic, digestive, tonic, antiseptic. Snake bite, Stings, Blood Poisoning. Immune System
    Roots and leaves
  • Flowering Dogwood: Cornus florida
    Astringent, stimulant, tonic. Ointments, fever, pneumonia, colds
    Inner bark, berries, twigs
  • Gentian: Gentiana Lutea
    Stomachic, antibacterial, stimulant, anti-inflammatory, laxative. Backache, liver complaints, tonic
    Roots and Leaves
  • Goldenseal: Hydrastis canadensis
    Laxative, tonic, antibacterial, Skin diseases, Sore eyes. Gum disease, Liver and Heart problems
  • Goldthread: Coptis trifolia
    Tonic, sedative, Dyspepsia, Gargle, mouthwash
  • Gum Plant: Grindelia robusta
    Antispasmodic, expectorant, sedative. Colds, flu, respiratory complaints, digestive complaints
    Leaves, flowering tops
  • Horsemint: Monarda punctata
    Cardiac, diuretic, aromatic, stomachic, calmative. Backache, fever, inflammation, and chills. Digestive problems
    Leaves, flowering tops
  • Horsetail: Equisetum arvense
    Diuretic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, styptic. Diuretic, gall stones, and kidney stones
  • Horseweed: Erigeron canadensis
    Astringent, diuretic, styptic, tonic. Diarrhea, dysentery, and hemorrhoids
    Leaves or plant
  • Indian Tobacco: Lobelia inflata
    Antispasmodic, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, stimulant, sedative. Asthma. Poultices
    Seeds, flowers, and leaves
  • Jewelweed: Impatiens biflora
    Antispasmodic, cathartic, caustic, diuretic, expectorant, purgative. Sore Mouth
    Whole plant
  • Jimson Weed: Datura stramonium
    Antispasmodic, hypnotic, narcotic. A narcotic poison
    Leaves, root, seed
  • Liverleaf: Hepatica americana
    Diuretic, pectoral, tonic, astringent. Bronchitis, coughs, fever, colds, sore throat, jaundice, indigestion
    Leaves, flowers
  • Mullein: Verbascum Thapsus
    Diuretic, expectorant, analgesic, tonic, antispasmodic, astringent. Asthma, Hay Fever, Diarrhea, dysentery
    Leaves, flowers, root
  • Peppermint: Mentha piperita
    Stomachic, calmative, analgesic. Headaches, heartburn, indigestion
    Leaves, oil, and flowering tops
  • Pokeberry: Phytolacca americana
    Reduces inflammation, emetic, cathartic Rheumatism. Poultices
    Root, leaves, berries
  • Sage: Salvia officinalis
    Salvia apiana is the white sage used in Smudging
    Diaphoretic, stimulant, diurectic, antispasmodic, anti-diarrheic, expectorant, Coughs, colds, digestive problems
  • Sagebrush: Artemisia tridentata
    Aromatic, antiseptic. Wounds
  • Sassafras: Sassafras variifolium
    Aromatic, stimulant, diuretic, antiseptic. Rheumatism, arthritis, gout, skin complaints
    Bark of the root
  • Skunk Cabbage: Spathyema foetida
    Antispasmodic, diuretic, emetic, expectorant, slightly narcotic, stimulant. Asthma, respiratory ailments, rheumatism
    Rootstock; roots and seed
  • Spearmint: Mentha spicata
    Stomachic, calmative, analgesic. Headaches, heartburn, indigestion
    Leaves, oil, and flowering tops
  • Stone root: Collinsonia canadensis
    Diuretic, tonic, astringent. Urinary problems. Poultice for wounds and sprains
    Leaves and Rootstock
  • Sweetfern: Comptonia peregrina
    Astringent, tonic. Digestive and Skin problems
    Whole plant
  • Sweetgrass, Sweet Grass: Hierochloe odorata
    Calmative. Coughs, sore throats Teas used for chapping, windburn, eyewash
  • Tamarack: Larix laricina
    Diuretic, laxative, tonic. Bark, resin, young shoots, needles
    Bark, resin, young shoots, needles
  • Tansy: Tanacetum vulgare
    Aromatic, diaphoretic, carminative (relieves intestinal gas) and tonic. Circulation, treating varicose veins, tonic
    Flowers, seeds
  • Wahoo: Euonymus atropurpureus
    Cardiac, diuretic, expectorant, laxative, tonic. Heart, chest and lung congestion, indigestion
    Bark and root bark
  • White Mustard: Brassica alba
    Appetizer, digestive, irritant. Rheumatism, sciatica, peritonitis, neuralgia
  • White Sage: Salvia apiana is the white sage used in Smudging
    Diaphoretic, stimulant, diurectic, antispasmodic, anti-diarrheic, expectorant. Coughs, colds, digestive problems
  • Wild Ginger: Asarum canadense
    Stimulant, tonic, diuretic. Treating wounds Earache. Gout
  • Wild Indigo: Baptisia tinctoria
    Antiseptic, stimulant, purgative. Pneumonia, tuberculosis, influenza, kidneys
    Bark of the root and the leaves
  • Wintergreen: Gaultheria procumbens
    Analgesic, astringent, diuretic, stimulant, anodyne, anti-rheumatic, antiseptic, aromatic. Asthma, Rheumatism, Headache
  • Witch Hazel: Hamamelis virginiana
    Astringent, sedative, styptic, tonic. Astringent, skin irritations, bruises, varicose veins
    Bark and leaves
  • Wormwood: Artemisia absinthium
    Antiseptic, antispasmodic, aromatic, narcotic, stimulant, stomachic, tonic. Indigestion, gastric pain, fevers, dysentery, asthma
    Leaves, flowering tops
  • Yarrow: Achillea Millefolium
    Astringent, antispasmodic, tonic, promotes sweating.
    Headaches, fevers, colds, and influenza. rheumatism, high blood pressure
    Whole plant
Native American Culture
Native Indian Tribes Index

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