Trickster Symbol

Native Indian Tribe

Meaning of the Trickster Symbol

Native American Indians were a deeply spiritual people and they communicated their history, thoughts, ideas and dreams from generation to generation through Symbols and Signs such as the Trickster  symbol. Native American symbols are geometric portrayals of celestial bodies, natural phenomena and animal designs.

A Trickster is a cunning character of Native American legend who uses his ingenuity to defeat enemies and escape difficult situations by tricking others for his own advantage. Tricksters or clowns are mischievous supernatural beings who take the form of animals such as the coyote, spider, ram, or hare. In Miwok mythology the people believed in animal and human spirits, and spoke of Animal Spirits as their ancestors. The Coyote is depicted as their ancestor, creator god, and a trickster god. The raven, or crow, lizard and snake are also associated with these Mythical beings. In Lakota Sioux mythology, Iktomi is a spider trickster and shape shifter spirit. His appearance is that of a spider, but he can take any shape, including that of a human. When he is a human he is said to wear red, yellow and white paint, with black rings around his eyes. For additional facts and information refer to Tricksters.

Coyote Trickster Symbol

The Seneca tribe, one of the six nations of the Iroquois Confederacy, believed that a supernatural spirit called Hagondes was a cannibalistic trickster and clown spirit. The coyote trickster symbol represents the the prairie wolf and is small and cowardly. In Native American Indian myths and legends the contemptible coyote symbolizes selfishness, deceit and greed. He is often outwitted by the animals who he tries to trick. Those he helps do not show the coyote gratitude.

Native Indian Symbol
Native American Symbols
Native Indian Tribes Index

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