Medicine Wheel

The Medicine Wheel

Native American Culture - The Medicine Wheel

There are many variations and interpretations of the Medicine Wheel. This article provides facts and information about the different elements and their meanings based on the beliefs of various tribes of Native American Indians.

The Medicine Wheel - Four Stages of Man
The Circle of Life, is often depicted in the Medicine Wheel. The circle and the four equal parts and colors of the medicine wheel represent the lifespan, or four stages of man:

  • Birth is represented by the color red
  • Growth is represented by the color yellow
  • Maturity is represented by the color black
  • Death is represented by the color white

The Medicine Wheel - Balanced Life
The colors of the Medicine Wheel also represent the four qualities of a balanced life:

  • The Spiritual life (the Soul) is represented by the color red

  • The Emotional life (the Heart) is represented by the color yellow
  • The Physical life (the Body) is represented by the color black

  • The Intellect (the Mind) is represented by the color white

The Medicine Wheel - Cardinal Directions & the four peoples of the Earth
The cardinal directions are represented in the Medicine Wheel

  • The South is represented by the color red and associated with 'red skinned peoples'
  • The East is represented by the color yellow and associated with 'yellow skinned peoples'
  • The West is represented by the color black and associated with 'black-skinned peoples'
  • The South is represented by the color white and associated with 'white skinned peoples'
Native American Culture
Native Indian Tribes Index

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Updated 2018-01-01

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