Cheyenne Names

Native Indian Tribe

Cheyenne Names and Meanings
Check out this list of Cheyenne Names for boys and girls  with their meanings and origins. The collection of Native American Cheyenne Names includes baby names for boys and girls. The naming traditions of Native American Indians varied greatly from tribe to tribe but were generally based on gender, nature, totem animals and descriptions of the appearance or features of a baby. We have a specific list for girls and another list of for boys.

The Cheyenne Tribe
The Cheyenne tribe are one of famous tribes of Great Plains. A terrible cholera epidemic reached Plains Indians in 1849 resulting in huge loss of life. The Cheyenne tribe of Native American Indians spoke the Algonquian languages which was shared by the Northeast Woodlands Indians and the Great Plains Indians.

List of Cheyenne Names for Girls
A name is the very first present that we give to our baby. The following list contains unusual ideas for Cheyenne Names for Girls  together with their meanings where this info is available. This website will be of interest to anyone searching for Cheyenne Names for Girls as it contains facts and interesting information about the culture, history and traditions of this famous Native American tribe.

Archisha: Ray of light
Asha: Hope
Avasa: My home
Chameli: Flower
Chelan: Beautiful Lake
Darika: Maiden
Elina: Intelligent
Inayat: Kindness
Jaya: Victory
Kanaka: Gold
Immookalee: Waterfall
Kishori: Young girl
Lona: Beautiful
Manda: Harmony
Nandita Happy
Neha: Rain
Ninovan: Our Home
Tis-see-woo-na-tis: She who bathes with her knees
Mamakiaeh: Curly hair
Waynoka: Sweet water

List of Cheyenne Names for Boys
Ahtunowhiho: One who lives below
Avonaco: Leaning bear
Hahkethomemah: Little robe
Heammawihio: Wise one above
Heskovizenako: Porcupine bear
Hiamovi: Whirlwind
Hohanonivah: Shield
Honiahaka: Bear
Hotuaekhaashtait: Spirit who sings
Ishaynishus: Two moons
Kohkahycumest: White crow
Kuckunniwi: Little wolf
Mantotohpa: Four bears
Meturato: Black kettle
Minninnewah: Wild Wind
Nahcomence: Oldbark antelope
Nahiossi: Has three fingers
Neeheeoeewootis: High backed wolf
Ocunnowhurst: Yellow wolf
Ohcumgache: Little wolf
Otoahhastis: Tall bull
Otoahnacto: Bull bear
Tahkeome: Little robe
Tahmelapachme: Dull knife
Viho: Chief

Native American Indian Names
Native Indian Tribes Index

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