Native American Names - C

Native Indian Tribe

Native American Names and Meanings - Starting with C
Check out this list of Native American Names for boys and girls starting with C with their meanings and origins. The collection of Native American Baby names include Apache, Cherokee, Navajo, Sioux, Cheyenne, and Crow baby names for boys and girls.

The naming traditions of Native American Indians varied greatly from tribe to tribe but were generally based on gender, nature, totem animals and descriptions of the appearance or features of a baby. We have a specific list of Native American Names for girls and another list of of Native American Names for boys.

List of Native American Names for Girls starting with C
A name is the very first present that we give to our baby. The following list contains unusual ideas for Native American Names for Girls starting with C together with their meanings and the name of the tribe the name is associated with. This website will be of interest to anyone searching for Native American Names for Girls as it contains facts and interesting information about the culture, history and traditions of different Native American tribes.

Catori: Spirit: Hopi
Cha'kwaina: One who cries: Hopi
Chapa: Beaver: Sioux
Chapawee: Industrious: Sioux
Cha'risa: Elk: Hopi
Chenoa: Dove: Native American Origin
Chepi: Fairy: Algonquian
Chilam: Snowbird: Native American Origin
Chimalis: Bluebird: Native American Origin
Chitsa: Fair: Native American Origin
Chochmingwu: Corn mother Hopi
Cholena: Bird: Native American Origin
Chosovi: Bluebird: Hopi
Chosposi: Bluebird eye: Hopi
Chu'mana: Snake maiden: Hopi
Chumani: Dewdrops: Sioux
Chu'si: Snake flower: Hopi
Cocheta: Stranger: Native American Origin

List of Native American Names for Boys starting with C
Cha'akmongwi: Crier chief: Hopi
Chankoowashtay: Good road: Sioux
Chansomps: Locust: Algonquian
Chapa: Beaver: Sioux
Chas chunk a: Wave: Winnebago
Chatan: Hawk: Sioux
Cha'tima: The caller: Hopi
Chavatangakwunua: Short rainbow: Hopi
Chayton: Falcon: Sioux
Chesmu: Witty: Native American Origin
Cheveyo: Spirit warrior: Hopi
Chochmo: Mud mound: Hopi
Chochokpi: Throne for the clouds: Hopi
Chochuschuvio: White tailed deer: Hopi
Chogan: Blackbird: Algonquian
Choovio: Antelope: Hopi
Choviohoya: Young deer Hopi
Chowilawu: Joined together by water: Hopi
Chu'a: Snake: Hopi
Chuchip: Deer spirit: Hopi
Chunta: Cheating: Hopi
Ciqala: Little one: Dakota
Cochise: Hardwood: Apache

The Algonquian languages are spoken by a number of tribes of the Northeast Woodlands and the Great Plains Indians.

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