Native American Names - P

Native Indian Tribe

Native American Names and Meanings - Starting with P
Check out this list of Native American Names for boys and girls starting with P with their meanings and origins. The collection of Native American Baby names include Apache, Cherokee, Navajo, Sioux, Cheyenne, and Crow baby names for boys and girls.

The naming traditions of Native American Indians varied greatly from tribe to tribe but were generally based on gender, nature, totem animals and descriptions of the appearance or features of a baby. We have a specific list of Native American Names for girls and another list of of Native American Names for boys.

List of Native American Names for Girls starting with P
A name is the very first present that we give to our baby. The following list contains unusual ideas for Native American Names for Girls starting with P together with their meanings and the name of the tribe the name is associated with. This website will be of interest to anyone searching for Native American Names for Girls as it contains facts and interesting information about the culture, history and traditions of different Native American tribes.

Pakwa: Frog: Hopi
Pamuy: Water moon: Hopi
Papina: A vine growing on an oak tree: Miwok
Pati: Fish basket: Miwok
Pauwau: Witch: Algonquian
Pavati: Clear water: Hopi
Pazi: Yellow bird: Ponca
Pelipa: Lover of horses: Zuni
Peta: Golden eagle: Blackfoot
Petah: Golden eagle: Blackfoot
Petunia: Flower name: Native American Origin
Polikwaptiwa: Butterfly sitting on a flower: Hopi
Poloma: Bow: Choctaw
Posala: Farewell to spring flowers: Miwok
Powaqa: Witch: Hopi
Ptaysanwee: White buffalo: Sioux
Pules: Pigeon: Algonquian

List of Native American Names for Boys starting with P
Pachu'a: Feathered water snake: Hopi
Paco: Eagle: Native American Origin
Pahana: Lost white brother: Hopi
Pallaton: Warrior: Native American Origin
Pannoowau: He lies: Algonquian
Pat: Fish: Native American Origin
Patamon: Tempest: Native American Origin
Patwin: Man: Native American Origin
Pay: He is coming: Native American Origin
Payat: He is coming: Native American Origin
Payatt: He is coming: Native American Origin
Paytah: Fire: Sioux
Peopeo: Bird: Nez Perce
Pezi: Grass: Sioux
Pimne: Weasel: Hopi
Pitalesharo: Chief of men: Pawnee
Powaw: Priest: Algonquian

The Algonquian languages are spoken by a number of tribes of the Northeast Woodlands and the Great Plains Indians.

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