Water Symbol

Native Indian Tribe

Meaning of the Water Symbol

The meaning of the Water symbols were very important as water in every form as one of the most vital elements for the sustenance of life. The meaning of the Water symbol was to signify life, fertility and purity.

Some American Indian tribes believe that the waters of lakes, rivers, and oceans are inhabited by a mysterious people called the "Water Indians" or "Water Babies".

Water Symbol

Meaning of the Water Symbol
The water symbol was used to indicate large stretches of water such as rivers and the ocean. Lakes were symbolized in a different way. The different forms that water might take symbolized different things. Running water was a symbol of the continuity of life and the on-going flow of time. Many Plateau Indians were reliant on rivers for their sustenance, as fish constituted their main source of food. The meaning of the water symbol was to signify the flow of life from the Earth and to chart the features of a particular area.

Native Indian Symbol
Native American Symbols
Native Indian Tribes Index

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Updated 2018-01-01

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